Lonestar Degrees

Just to give everyone some clarification on submitting Lonestars, you as the teacher must add the applications to the Area submission list. You can do this by going to the "Reports" tab, clicking on "Degree/Application Manager", and then the green button in the middle of the screen that says "Submission Lists & Feedback".  Once there you need to click "edit list" on AET State Degree. This is where it will show you all of the applications that you have submitted as well as any feedback that the applications may have received at the district or area level. If you don't see the applications that you are expecting to, click "browse" in the upper right of that page. This will show you all completed applications from your chapter that have not been submitted. In order to be checked at both the district and area levels, applications must be submitted this way.  Do not send member login information for applicants to your district check person. If you do it that, we cannot tell what has been checked from the Area side. All checks must be completed through the submission list. Apps must be completed without any "not Mets" to be submitted. If you are having trouble getting them submitted, generate a new version under the print/save app tab in the applications. Some districts have already begun checking Lonestars, so be looking for that feedback. Make corrections and then resubmit them to the Area. If you have any questions, please call me. 


Travis Lange

AST Veribest ISD


Update from State Checking Committee


State CDE Committee Report