Update from State Checking Committee

Notes from the meeting held in July.

  • Tammy said that they are working on Compliance Teams for SAEs to basically check on the legitimacy of certain projects that they feel might be fraudulent.

  • At state convention next year, they will look at doing the star finalist interviews on Monday afternoon instead of in the morning. 

  • They will also look at changing the star banquet to a breakfast proceeding the those star kids crossing the stage.

  • State degree check will be June 2-6, 2025.

    • Lonestar check will be Monday

    • Everything else begins on Tuesday

    • It is highly recommended that all judging take place in person (excluding John Justin and Ryan Mott), but virtual may still be offered with times that you have to start and end.

  • Star Americans will be due May 14, 2025

  • Americans will be due April 1, 2025

  • Golden Horizons will have 2 new requirements next year, each applying chapter must submit a copy of their chapter constitution and Program of Activities when submitting the award app.

  • We had 2,519 Lonestars and 305 Americans this past year.

  • They like how the Lonestar process is working, will continue to use the same system as this past year. 

  • The state is pushing for more Americans, Missouri has more than double our number of Americans this year.

  • With AET, the expense categories are changing this year.

    • There is no longer an inventory purchased for resale expense category.

    • There are now 31 expense categories, it should simplify entering expenses.

    • These changes are to match the IRS Schedule F form.

  • There will now be 70 proficiency categories at nationals

    • Mainly busted up the entrepreneurship/placement categories into two separate categories.

  • Nationals is also revising the star categories and agriscience fair.

  • National changes will affect how recordkeeping is done. Should go into effect in October. 

If anyone has any questions or concerns about what is changing, please let me or Chudej know.  

Travis Lange
AST Irion County


Update on State Ag Mech and AAE CDEs


Lonestar Degrees