State LDE Committee Report

Report provided by Committee Chair: Mackenzie Allison

As always, many things were discussed at the State LDE Committee meeting. 

  1. There was a lot of discussion on finding and sending qualified judges to the state level. Workshops should be available next year on Monday (free, by the way) that will assist teachers in knowing how to judge various contests.

  2. At state, there will be a contest superintendent meeting, as well as a judges' meeting.

  3. At the state LDEs, all results for finals will be held at 6 PM Saturday so that no teacher or student misses any results as they have when results are staggered.

  4. In the radio contest, don't try to make commercials happen. Not allowed.

  5. In the radio contest, it looks like they're going to try and allow people to adjust individual microphone volume..........

  6. No judges are to take off points if a chapter uses the same script they used last year for LDEs; that's not illegal whatsoever.

  7. Judges will be told that they are to use common sense. If a student comes into the room to perform The Creed, for example, and the judges make eye contact, and the kid begins, the judges are NOT to take off points simply because the kid didn't wait for the judges to say "you may begin."

  8. SHSU will try to have warm-up rooms available for Chapter Conducting heats this year.

  9. Mention of a "Battle of the Gavel" at state convention...a bracket parli pro situation...not sure this will actually happen.

  10. Two blank pages of white scratch paper will be added to the back of quizzes at state.

  11. The new SHSU staff member that will assist Dr. Hainline is Dr. Maureen Victoria.


Vet Tech CDE Committee Report


State Degree Check Committee Report