Vet Tech CDE Committee Report

Report provided by Committee Chair: Misty Day

Committee Members: Misty Day - Seminole/Chair, Jennifer Knight - Wellman-Union, Vanessa Rodriguez - Clint, Dana Sparks - Iraan Sheffield, Chris Cleveand - Plains, Ron Gill - Canutillo, John Osbornw - Eldorado, Andrew Hauser - Glasscock Co.

Purpose: To determine the pros and cons of relocating the Area 2 State Qualifying Vet Tech contest to another location.


1. The committee would prefer a site that utilized more live animals; therefore, giving students a higher quality contest.

2. The benefits and conflicts of various alternative dates were discussed.

3. Several locations were considered: the current date and location at Tarleton, various dates at West Texas A&M, Texas Tech Lubbock campus, Texas Tech Amarillo Campus, and Angelo State University.

4. The committee unanimously determined April 8, 2024 would be the best date for the Area.

5. Angelo State University is centrally located in Area and higher quality than the current location; Texas Tech Amarillo Campus would host a high quality contest, but date conflicts prevent this option.

Recommendation: After discussions and agreement from Dr. Dickinson, the committee recommends to move the Area 2 Vet Tech State Qualifying contest from Tarleton State University to Angelo State University on Monday, April 8, 2024.


State CDE Committee Report


State LDE Committee Report